Namespace: contracts


Create instances of Cask contracts as an ethers.Contract. Creating a Cask contract automatically looks up the address from the environment and current connected chain.


(static, constant) contracts

Name Type Description
CaskVault ethers.Contract Cask vault contract.
CaskSubscriptions ethers.Contract Cask subscriptions contract.
CaskSubscriptionPlans ethers.Contract Cask subscription plans contract.
CaskSubscriptionManager ethers.Contract Cask subscription manager contract.
CaskDCA ethers.Contract Cask DCA contract.
CaskDCAManager ethers.Contract Cask DCA Manager contract.
CaskP2P ethers.Contract Cask P2P contract.
CaskP2PManager ethers.Contract Cask P2P Manager contract.
CaskChainlinkTopup ethers.Contract Cask ChainlinkTopup contract.
CaskChainlinkTopupManager ethers.Contract Cask ChainlinkTopup Manager contract.
AggregatorV3Interface ethers.Contract Chainlink price oracle. Uses either the supplied provider, or the connection from the ethersConnection.
ERC20 ethers.Contract Get an ERC20 token instance. Uses either the supplied provider, or the connection from the ethersConnection.
ERC721 ethers.Contract Get an ERC721 token instance. Uses either the supplied provider, or the connection from the ethersConnection.
IUniswapV2Router02 ethers.Contract Get an IUniswapV2Router02 router instance. Uses either the supplied provider, or the connection from the ethersConnection.
IStdReference ethers.Contract Band price oracle. Uses either the supplied provider, or the connection from the ethersConnection.
AutomationRegistry ethers.Contract Chainlink Automation registry instance.
VRFCoordinator ethers.Contract Chainlink VRF coordinator instance.